Ever Wonder…What are Good Facebook Statuses for Your Page?

Even the most skilled Facebookers start to fumble when it comes to posting a good status on a business page. The same status that might earn you 20 likes on a personal page will earn a big ‘who cares’ on a business page. Even though it’s a lesson most people don’t investigate, if you are a business owner, you need to know how to craft good Facebook statuses for your business page.

How to Craft Good Facebook Statuses
Bad Facebook statuses can make your business page look unprofessional, lose likes and will certainly lose potential customers. In order to avoid these pitfalls and losses, it’s time that you learn how to craft an expert level Facebook status for your business page:

Ask Questions. Simply asking questions can go a long way in engaging your audience and conveying that you are an actual person, not some faceless company who jumped on the Facebook bandwagon. Make sure that you avoid questions that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. People will simply think their answer and rarely leave a comment. Instead, ask something more insightful and engaging. If you want engagement from your fans, ask them for it upfront, but not in the smarmy “’Like’ if you agree” way. Get creative with posts like “Tell us what you think: Does this information make you change your mind?”

Share Business Milestones. Don’t post about reaching a certain amount of likes. Nobody cares but you and your social media manager. Instead, post about new products or services. Post about moving locations. Post about any milestone that you believe your audience will find interesting. Avoid sharing sales numbers, unless your brand is built on teaching people how to make money. A real crowd pleaser is when you post a picture of your staff doing something interesting, or post a picture of the latest employee with some interesting tidbits about them.

Show Your Personality and/or Emotion. People want to engage with real people. Try to avoid narrating your posts and links you share; instead, share your feelings about what you are sharing. For example, don’t be afraid to say something like, “Oh! This made us laugh so hard!” or “We are not embarrassed to say we nearly cried when reading this story.”

Post Interesting Facts. Interesting facts are Facebook fuel. People love sharing new information that they found interesting and intriguing. However, you must make sure that the fact / information is true. Posting a made up fact or something that is found out to be false will greatly damage your reputation and authority. Do some research and link to your source to minimize any repercussions. Bonus points for creating a branded image or meme out of the fact. Images reign supreme on most social networking sites.

Monitor Feedback. This is perhaps the most important step in crafting good Facebook statuses. Monitor your comments, likes and shares. See which posts were most engaging and which posts were barely seen. You may discover that the above tips don’t even work for your audience. Keep exploring and keep experimenting. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when managing your Facebook page is to think you have it “dialed in” and you stop taking risks. Keep it fresh. Constantly try to “surprise and delight” your fans and followers. If you continuously monitor feedback, you’ll learn how to craft amazing statuses for your business.
It’s not impossible to post engaging Facebook statuses for your business. It will take time, effort and regularity. Consistently post something new and see how people react. Then, adjust your future efforts from there. In less time than you think, you’ll have cracked the code to your perfect Facebook status.