How To Find Employees With Twitter

Social media is a powerful tool for job recruiters, even social media as light as Twitter. While not as hugely popular as it once was, it remains a great way to find potential employees. However, you need to know how to use it properly.

Start By Searching Hashtags

Even if you’ve never heard of a hashtag, you’ve probably seen them. They are a word or phrase followed by a “#” sign, such as “#thankgoditsfriday.” Clicking on these hashtags will sort Twitter posts by that tag. So if you searched “#jobhunt” or something similar, you could potentially find people looking for jobs near you.

Look At The Type Of Posts The Person Has Created

Twitter users post for a variety of reasons. Some use it simply to post silly jokes, while others are trying to expand their social reach. Read through a potential client’s posts to get a feel for the kind of person they are and if they have beliefs and skills appropriate for your job.

Find Other Contact Information

Serious Twitter users often put up their contact information, including other social media accounts, such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Tap into these accounts to learn more about the person and decide if they are a good fit for your needs.

Reach Out To Them Via Follow And Tweet

Twitter only works if you participate, so create an account and start following potential employees. Reach out to them by responding to their tweets or even sending them a message. In this way, you can build a relationship that may lead to a hiring.

If you need help with your employee search process or want to learn more about using social media as a recruiting tool, please contact us today.