How the Law of Social Proof Works In Online Marketing
Why is it so important to get more likes and shares on social media? Of course, the more likes and followers you have, the greater your reach is (which is why it’s important that your followers are targeted and relevant). However, it’s much more than that. It’s where the law of social proof, commonly used in marketing, comes into play.
You’ll Get Even More Likes
The more followers you have, the easier it will be to get even more followers. It’s also known as the snowball effect – the larger the snowball gets, the quicker it rolls down the hill and attracts even more snow. People will be more likely to follow you or like your page and posts when they already has thousands of likes. The more shares a post has, the more likely people will be to share it themselves.
Increase Your Clout
People will look at you differently when you have a large social media following. They’ll view you with more respect and will consider you more of an authority. They’ll be more likely to pay attention to what you have to say on your blog posts, subscribe to your mailing list, and even purchase your product.
The Law of Social Proof and Google
The law of social proof even works with Google. Websites that have many social signals usually see a boost in their organic search engine rankings. Social signals include followers, shares of blog posts and social media posts, social media comments, and likes. They serve to tell Google that your content is popular.
For help with boosting your social media campaigns, contact us today!